15 Jun - Making A Start On The New Plot

Exciting news, well for me anyway - I got the go-ahead to take over the plot opposite mine yesterday (see May 27th post). There's a shed to go with the plot, which is nice, so I spent yesterday clearing it out and sticking my own junk in there. This now means that I have a full allotment for the first time.

As can be seen from a view from the shed, there's a fair bit of work to do. The plot has been divided up into beds using scaffolding boards but unfortunately the majority of them are rotten and are crumbling away. I've decided to divide the whole plot into four long beds mirroring the developed half of the plot. I'll probably use some of the more sound scaffolding boards on the down-slope of each bed to retain the earth for now.

My first job was to strim down as much weed and grass as I could then cover the plot with back plastic. I've left one bed clear to start work on. I've got some spare veg to go in it - broad beans, squash and my leeks. The black plastic will help control the unwanted vegetation and I can start work on the other beds a bit at a time over the next few months.

Elsewhere on the plot - after the new potatoes were dug up and the ground cleared, I planted out ten butternut squash, Hunter F1. These went out on the 12th June which coincided with a forecast of warm weather for the next week or so which the squash will like. The Sweet Dumpling squash and courgettes planted a number of days before (see 2nd June post) are doing OK. While the old leaves look a little yellow (usual when kept in pots) there are lots of flowers and new green growth on all the plants. Every thing is doing well except my garlic which is covered in 'rust' and I've a feeling I might have to dig the lot up before the bulbs mature. Here's a current picture of the developed part of the plot.

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