24 Nov - Decent Frost And The Covers Go On

Clear skies last night and a change in the weather meant a decent frost this morning. It's been pretty mild so a white frost across the grass comes almost as a novelty. Despite the temperature hovering at one degree for an hour or so, the hens couldn't wait to have a scratch around outside.

Not much to do on the plot at the moment if I'm honest. I'm taking leeks and parsnips plus the odd handful of Brussels sprouts. I haven't staked the sprout plants yet but I'll do that before the windy weather arrives. I have taken quite a few leaves off the sprouts this week, hopefully this will help the sprouts develop - the majority were yellow leaves anyway and they end up littering the ground.

As it was such a lovely day I thought it might be a good time to pull my covers over most of the plot. I tried to use my tiller a few days a go but it was so wet the mud just bunged up the tines. With this in mind I thought that I'd get the covers on so the ground wouldn't be too sodden in the Spring. I'm hoping that we don't have the storms we had last year as it was basically impossible to keep the sheets anchored in place.

That's it for now, bye.

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