15 Feb - First Sowing Of The Season

Yesterday (the 14th, Valentines Day), was notable for two reasons. The first reason is that it's a year to the day since we had an horrendous storm that really hammered the allotment. I was relatively lucky, I just had covers and canes blown about while some of my allotment neighbours had glass blown out of their greenhouses. (See post dated Feb 16 2014).

The second reason is that I sowed my first seeds of the 2015 season. The first to be sown were my Musselburgh leeks. I always sow thinly in a seed tray until they germinate and have established themselves then I transplant around 40 into a larger, deeper tray where they grow on until they are dibbed into the plot sometime in June. Musselburgh are an old variety that always do well; they seem to cope with the Winter weather and stand well.

Last season my sweet peppers, California Wonder, took 19 days to germinate even with a heated propagator so I've sown them now and hopefully they will have germinated by the start of March. The seed is about two years old and I'm using up the last of the packet. I'm not expecting a great germination rate but if I can get four to five plants as I did last year, I'll be happy. The sweet peppers produced well last season and I picked them from the greenhouse right up until October.

The Musselburgh leeks and the California Wonder sweet peppers were given a good watering and placed in a heated propagator indoors. When (or if) they germinate, the leeks will go into a cold greenhouse and will be protected by fleece if there are any heavy frosts but the peppers will be kept indoors on a windowsill until the greenhouse warms up a bit.

That's it for now, in the next post I'll be sowing tomatoes. Bye for now.

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