13 Apr - Sowing Beans, Pumpkins & Kale

The month of April is marching on rapidly and looking at last year's entries I was a little further ahead than I am now. I put that down to the weather as it was warmer earlier last year though the weather now is sunny and warm so things will catch up rapidly.

I sowed some beans today in root trainers. First were the runner beans, Prizewinner, I put in 20 of those - I think I had 16 canes up last year and I'm hoping for 18 or maybe 20 this year- just a few more. I also sowed 12 Cobra French beans - I'll either do a wigwam again or, if I get 12 plants, I might do some normal rows. (Pic - runner and French beans in root trainers). 

The next vegetable to be sown today was Kale. I fellow plot holder sowed Kale last year and I've been impressed with it. So, this season I'm giving it a go. I'm growing Nero Di Tosacana 'Black Tuscan'. The plants grow very large so I've just done a tray of 12 cells and I doubt if I will use all of them.

My Brussels Sprouts, Trafalgar, looked a bit small and leggy when they came up but they have developed fairly well now. To help them along a bit I have re-potted them so I can plant them a little deeper, effectively shortening the stem - this is fine to do with plants like brassicas and tomatoes. (Pic - Brussels sprouts re-potted).

Finally I've sown my first Winter squash of the season, pumpkin. This year I'm trying the variety 'Big Max' which is new to me. I've been growing 'Jack O'Lantern' for years, mostly from saved seed but they were 'crossed' with other squashes and it was getting pot luck whether I'd get a pumpkin or not so I bought new seed. I stuck three seeds to a pot, too many but I have loads of them, and I'll thin to one plant per pot. (Pic - Big Max pumpkin sowed into pots).

That's it for now - I'll be sowing more squash soon.

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