21 Sep - Bean Poles & Carrots

Yesterday dawned misty and Autumnal; a bit of a surprise as we've had good weather for most of September so far. It didn't last long, the sun soon burned off the early morning haze, just as well, I had a few things to do.

The first thing on the agenda was the state of my bean poles. A number of the bamboo canes snapped and the I've been propping up the rows with bits of timber. Time for them to be removed. It's always a bit sad taking the runner bean rows down as it kind of marks the end of the main growing season. Still, they have produced well though only low down on the vines; there were stacks of beans 2 to 3 foot off the ground but virtually nothing above that, not too sure why though a few people have mentioned problems with beans this year.

Anyway, I picked another few hand-fulls of beans and uprooted the vines and canes. The bamboo has lasted a good few years but I'm going to need a few replacements for next year as a fair few have finally weakened and snapped. (Another thing on next season's shopping list). Most of the roots were left in the ground as they develop nitrogen nodules and can be dug in.

I'm still digging over the area where the Winter squash were - I do a bit then get side tracked. It's only a matter of pulling any weeds up and roughly turning over the ground. I plan to cover as much as I can in plastic - I'll get around to finishing it at some point.

I've had a look at my Sarpo Mira maincrop potatoes; the first few plants were pretty unproductive but the next few produced some nice sized spuds. I'm hoping for a few pound over the next few weeks despite the plants looking pretty ropey.

My Sweet Candle F1 carrots look good again this year. I've pulled a couple to see what they are like and I'm pretty happy. I've used the bar method for the second time this season and it certainly seems to work. A couple of nice 'uns!

That's it for this update. I'll see you in October.

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