Yes, it's that time of year again; the marker of the new season proper - I've bought my early potatoes. As they performed so well last season, I'm planting 'Rocket' again but, I've decided not to plant second earlies this time. The Rocket went on to out-perform the second earlies so I've bought an extra bag of those instead as I have the space just to dig them up when needed - I was still taking them in August and I started digging them up in June!
Rocket, like Swift, are some of the fastest growing early spuds. They can be dug from 10 weeks onward which means that if you chit them well and plant them in mid-March you can be digging them from the first week of June.
As always, I've placed them in seed trays with the rose end (the end with the eyes) pointing upward. These 'eyes' will develop the chits - not the spindly roots seen on a potato left at the back of the cupboard - rather the stalks that will go on to support the leaves. (Below - the 'chits' that will develop into the stalk and leaves of the potato plant).
I've also purchased my main onions. I've never grown main crop onions from seed, I always use sets. To be honest, unless you are looking for something unusual or are growing for exhibiting, onions sets are the way to go. They are easy to store, plant and raise - they also don't 'bolt' and go to seed as they are heat treated to prevent this. I've gone for my usual 'Sturon' onions - they always do well for me.
That;s it for this quick update. Bye for now.
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