17 Jul - Major Decision Made For Next Season

I've been mulling over the idea of downsizing my allotment since last season. The workload is fine, the allotment is tidy, well-kept and I have time to work on it. The problem is, rather ironically, over production; I simply produce too much. Despite giving veg and fruit away, too much heads to the compost bin for my liking. I've even spread the crops out more this season but there's still too much wasted food.

So, what to do? I've decided to go back down to half a plot next season and give someone else a go, it seems to be the best option. I originally had my first half plot in March 2007 (plot #10) then I acquired the half opposite seven years later in June 2014 (plot #11).  Plot #11 had a shed which was handy and, though it has trees to the north, it gets the most sun throughout the day as the other plot stays in shadow for many hours throughout the Winter months. On the basis of wanting to keep the shed and the best sunlight, I'll be retaining plot #11.

As I have Winter crops on plot #10 at the moment, I won't be handing over the plot until early March 2018 when I've cleared the sprouts, kale and Winter cabbage. I'll transplant some of the raspberries, blackcurrants and rhubarb across to my remaining plot throughout the cold months and put the covers over the site so whoever inherits it will have a relatively easy job in the Spring.

I've worked out that by reducing the amount of fruit I have on the plot, which is massively excessive anyway, planting fewer potatoes and reducing the space between beds, I reckon I really can produce a much more realistic amount without wasting too much. I'm going to put a dozen or so strawberries into pots where I can control them better; I've reduced the chicken run by 6 foot near the shed (to where it used to be) and I plan to put a row of raspberries and other fruit in that area.

I'll divide the plot into four main beds to ensure decent crop rotation, along the lines I have at the moment. The biggest difference is that each bed will be shorter than they are now due to the chicken run though the width will remain the same. The beds will run east to west rather than north to south as they are now.

Well, lots to do over the coming months now. That's this update complete, bye for now.

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