02 Mar - It's Spring! Er... Not Really

In your mind picture yellow daffodils nodding their heads on a warm breeze. The birds singing in the branches as they build their little nests and the grass bright with its first flush of green. Well, forget that, the first day of meteorological Spring 2018 looks like this ...

And this ...

And this ...

Needless to say that the allotment is on hold until warmer weather decides to invade South Wales. The seedlings I sowed in January and February are all huddled up on the windowsill in the house with leaves searching for the radiator rather than the sun! I've also ensured that my chitting potatoes are out of the freezing minus temperatures too. Here's an incongruous picture of one of my tomato plants in the window with snow in the background.

It's hard to believe that I might be planting out my onion sets and early potatoes in three weeks but it's highly probable that I will be. Once this cold blast of air has moved away from the UK temperatures should rise quickly and I won't be surprised if we see 10-12 degrees very soon. Fingers crossed that I can get out on the allotment by mid-March to really kick the season off.

Bye for now.

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