Last week, on the first of April Easter Sunday, I took the opportunity to plant out the Sturon onion sets. I put out a fair few rows but still had some left over. As we have used far less onions this year, still having a crate full, I'm not planting so many due to reduced space.
Today (8th), next to the onions, I have planted out my garlic, I've been using my own grown cloves for the past few years but I decided to refresh my stock by buying some in this season. Again I've gone for Germidour. I set out two rows of cloves and I'm hoping to get around a dozen to germinate. I kept the bulbs in the fridge for a month to give them a blast of cold so hopefully they will grow and divide properly.
Things are kicking off in the greenhouse. I've transferred the peppers and the tomatoes there as things have warmed up a little and the plants need more light. The brassicas (sown 13th March), Primo II Summer Cabbage, Bosworth F1 Sprouts and Tundra F1 Winter Cabbage - have all have germinated well and will need potting on in a week or two. I also sowed Bunyard's Exhibition broad beans at the at the same time too. They have grown rapidly in cells so I'll be hardening these off outside over the next week along with the leeks.
The greenhouse has had a bit of a tidy up. I've sorted out the tomato bed by clearing the weeds, digging the bed and replacing the pot soil with a new mix of multi-purpose and compost from the allotment bins which has rotted down over the Winter. The canes were already wired in well so I left them. I'm only growing on six tomato plants this year so I will plant two sweet peppers as well as having a few in big pots.
That's it for now. Bye
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