24 Apr - Sowing Squashes

The past two days I've been sowing more seed in the greenhouse; most of which are the Summer and Winter squashes. First I sowed the prolific Defender F1 courgettes; Defender are a green variety and I'm only growing these this season and not the yellow Atena. I'm hoping to get two good plants which will provide plenty of courgettes for a family.

Also sown in pots are pumpkin Big Max. These are basically ornamental as we aren't too keen on the taste; still, it's nice to have a home-grown pumpkin to carve for Halloween at the end of October. This has become a bit of a tradition for us.

I've also planted some Butternet Hunter F1. We have tried all sorts of squash over the years, Turks Turban and Crown Prince were good growers but for taste, Butternut seems to be the family favourite. So, given my reduced space, Butternut it is. 

Also in the greenhouse the tomatoes, Alicante, have been planted into their final positions with fresh soil from the allotment compost bins. A few plugs have been prepared with Beetroot seed, Boltardy, to grow on. I just want enough for a row for pickling for Christmas.

On the allotment I have taken the covers off the third bed (of four) and have given it a blast with the Mantis tiller. The bed was given granular fertiliser and was raked over flat. This will be the Winter bed this season, accommodating brassicas such as Winter cabbage Tundra F1, Bosworth Brussels sprouts, Musselburgh leeks, Gladiator F1 parsnips plus a few other bits and bobs like Primo II Summer cabbage and a row of carrots. The idea is to keep together all the crops that will stand into next Spring in one bed so I can totally cover up the other beds for the Winter; it's a pain if there's cabbage in one, leeks in another etc.

That's it for for April, see you in May. Bye.

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