The past few days have seen a change on the site. The Allotment Association deem a few inch drops between plots to be a hazard to health and safety so large rail fences have gone up to protect us. Never mind that proper paths are basically non-existent on many parts of the site, a few inch drops that no-one has ever fallen down, are of such importance that substantial fences have to be erected. Ho hum, it's a nice job but money could have been more usefully spent on paths.
Anyway, the Defender courgette plants have been planted out at the top of the last vacant bed and a Big Max pumpkin has been put in at the bottom. The gap in between has been taken up with eight Hunter F1 butternuts. That's basically all the planting done now.
The leeks I put out last month look terrible at the moment. I'm not sure why, perhaps it was the hot few days we had after they were planted out really effected them badly. I've certainly lost a few. I'll keep watering them to see how many can be saved.
More bad news for the parsnips, no germination at all. No parsnips this year I'm afraid. Lesson learned, new seed every year from now on! On the theme of bad news, the garlic has been poor, I've only got a few plants left and they don't look like much. Very disappointing given that I bought new bulbs this year - maybe a bad batch? It's unusual to have so many just come to nothing.
Well, on that sour note I'll leave it for this post. Bye for now.
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