10 Mar - A Late Start To The Season

A combination of a trip to Malta last month and subsequent stormy wet weather in the UK has caused a bit of a late start this year on the plot. To be honest I've not done a thing up there since November. I'm there twice a day to sort the hens but it's so wet I haven't bothered to remove the covers. All I've done is pull up the last of the dogeared brassicas from the Winter bed and fed them to the hens.

I'm even a month behind with sowing my leeks, tomatoes and peppers. I usually start them off in a heated propagator at the start of February but as I was abroad it all got put aside. Anyway, all three have now been sown. 

Musselburgh leeks have been sprinkled into a plant pot to germinate, I'll transplant two dozen or so into another container when they are big enough to handle. I've sown Roma tomatoes (good for sauces) and some regular Alisa Craig toms separately, again I'll transplant five or so of each into their own pots to grow on when the true leaves appear. Finally the Bulls Horns peppers have been sown, I find that peppers always take a bit longer to germinate and develop.

While I usually get my early potatoes in January and set them out in trays to chit properly, I didn't this year. I only bought them a week a go and they're still in the net bags, sprouting away nevertheless. Ooops - they look OK so I'm not too worried. Spuds are tough blighters. Oh, I've also bought my Sturon onion sets too.

I feel that I've made a start despite the poor weather we've had. The plot itself is going to take a bit of drying out before anything gets planted, hopefully we'll get a bit of sun at some point.

That's it. Bye for now.

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