15 Jan - Welcome Back Allotment Notebook

Wow, it's been three seasons since I blogged here. It's funny, I didn't mean to stop writing this Allotment Notebook, it just kind of happened. No, I didn't give up my plot and walk away, I'm still there every day, feeding the hens and often pottering about. 

I look back at my last posts Spring 2020 and now realise it was the start of the pandemic here in the UK. Lockdown happened at the end of that March and hundreds of people were dying daily from Covid-19. No wonder things seemed a little strange and my normal activities fell by the wayside. The allotment diary being one of them. While the allotment carried on, the writing didn't.

Well, welcome back Allotment Notebook. It's time to add a few more entries, well, for the time being anyway. At some point, this year, next, the year after, I'm looking to move house and I think that'll be the end of this particular plot and, if I can't find another nearer to my new home, the end of this blog - but that's for another time.

So, January 2023 on the plot. I've already bought some seed potatoes and have gone for my old favourite 'Rocket'. I love this variety because they are cheap to buy (get them in Wilko), are quick to develop (plant end of March and start copping first week of June) and, you can leave them grow on to get larger spuds (I was digging them up into late October last year). 

I've bought two 2Kg bags which I'm going to stagger plant, the first can go in around the third weekend of March and then I'll plant the rest three or four weeks later. If I have the opportunity to buy another bag and they're not to straggly, I might pick up another bag in late Spring if they are being sold off in Wilko.

 I thought I'd try some different leeks to my usual Musselburgh this season so I've gone for Elefant. They're supposed to thicker than Musselburgh but we'll have to wait and see how they do.Also, I'm trying some different sprouts, going for Brenden F1 this time around, (I always buy F1 varieties because they don't 'blow' open and stand better). As I've used the last of my 'Big Max' pumpkin seeds I decided to go for Jack O' Lantern this year mainly because I hate eating pumpkin and only grow a couple for Halloween. Jack O' Lantern seem to grow into a nicer looking fruit with a more regular shape whereas Big Max easily produce flat sides and misshapen squashes though they are large!

That's it for now, I'll be sowing some seeds in February. Bye 'til then.