1 Nov - Pumpkins & Sprouts

Things are certainly winding down now though this season's pumpkins had their spot in the limelight yesterday on Halloween. I grew two variates, Big Max and Jack O' Lantern. The JOL was grown by accident really as I saved some seed from a hybrid squash last year and it developed into one of the parents.

My wife always carves the pumpkins and she informs me that the Big Max was much easier to cut and carve than the JOL. The texture of Big Max was much softer and took mere minutes to clean out. This year she carved a 'Green Man' pumpkin and a 'Village Idiot' pumpkin (no idea where she got the idea for that one from!). (Pic - above 'Green Man', below, 'Village Idiot').

As can be expected, not too much happening on the plot at the moment. Nevertheless, I've started picking Brussels Sprouts and managed to get a small handful for a 'taste' this Sunday. The variety is Trafalgar F1 but unfortunately they aren't a patch on the Bosworth F1 I grew last year. The plants are much smaller and have been slower to develop; it'll be Bosworth next season.

I've dug up my Gladioli flower bulbs and they are currently drying out in a bucket. When the stalks die back I'll give the bulbs a quick brush to remove the earth and they will get stored for planting next spring. There's a bit more weeding to be done and a few more strawberries to thin, otherwise things are pretty settled for the Winter. 

The weather has become misty over the past few days making the days rather dull and dank. Of course, the clocks have gone back too so it's dark at 16.45 pm, all very tedious and depressing. Ho hum, I suppose that's the British weather for you. See you next time.

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