22 Nov - First Cold Snap Of Winter

We've had such mild weather throughout the Autumn though it's turned increasingly wet over the last week or so with heavy rain, making the allotment site very boggy. The main cause were two storms which hit the country; the remnants of hurricane 'Kate' swept across the Atlantic and was quickly followed by a storm called 'Barney'. Both contributed to the high winds and heavy rain.

This weekend has seen a dip in temperatures however. Overnight Friday/Saturday saw a dusting of very light snow up on the mountain and today (Sunday) saw a decent frost on the local cars and patches on the allotment site.

There's still a few things to get from the patch. I'm getting two eggs a day from the Rhode Island Red and the Light Sussex chickens, the Warren is currently moulting and the Cream Crested Legbars are still too young - no eggs from them at the moment. The sprouts are not as good as last year but there are some swelling on the stalks; the parsnips are nicely formed in their pre-drilled holes, there's still plenty of Sarpo Mira spuds, squash, onions, kale and leeks too. 

With a nod to next season, I've been shopping online for seeds which have now arrived. I've a decent range of things to grow for the 2016 season and I'll be listing everything in a separate post.

Bye for now.

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